Friday 3 April 2015

Here're Some Stimulating Ideas In Development & Design Of Android Application

The emergence of Android Lollipop in 2015 is the greatest & popular update that have a buzz in the niche of mobile development & design. In this blog, we are trying to elaborate stimulating discussion regarding Google's new design language-Material Design! The post would influence Android App Cover Design and work towards more efficient UI designs the process, in short, the entire process- how to design an android application.

What is Material Design?

Material Design is a broad guide to visual, motion and interaction design across all devices & platforms. It is a design language that was designed for a new Android 5.0 operating system (O.S). The chief specification of Material Design is focused on Android Apps, although it can be transferred into the web designs. The purpose of design the new design was providing improved foundations for UI that would definitely enhance the user experience.

Let us elaborate as the name helps better to understand the concept Material Design better. The process android app interface creation as layering material separate objects on top of each other. Remember that the Material Design is not a UI toolkit, nonetheless, design language providing an entire new way creating Android App cover design. Check out some tremendous features of Material Design:

  • Material Design 3D Objects
  • Material Design Icons
  • Authentic Motion

Material Design- 3D Objects

The interface is built with myriad independent objects that are measured with the help of device independent pixel (dp). It depends on screen sizes and dp is calculated in inches or millimetres (mm). These units are rendering means for designing interfaces working without certain screen resolution. Each object lies in 3D coordinate systems and allowing the user to create a sense of depth plus intensity by working shadow & light.

Material Design Icons

The Material design language has named as system icons. The main goal is to creating system icon is made them well-defined & recognizable at every size. Generally, it is easier to achieve if you stick to one core colour & avoid adding many details.

Authentic Motion

Google has emphasized on motion in Android 5.0. Material Design allows manipulating with objects in a way that users understand if the object is right, flexible, heavy or stiff. Animation & motion offers primary properties enabling to create dividing, merging, recreating objects. With the help of material design motion kit, designers can show a hierarchy of apps in interactive way. It also provides a unique experience as well as a special touch to an application feel & look.